Attack militants


It became known about the use of secret Russian cruise missiles in Syria

The media reported on the use of willows in Syria, the Russian secret cruise missiles.

Boris Rozhin, editor-in-chief of the Kassad Information and Analytical Center, in an interview with FAN, said that there is a definite connection between the newest weapons that come into service with the Russian Aermed Forces and the weapons used against the militants and terrorists in Syria.

“The supply of new cruise missiles is a direct reflection of the request of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation for the modernization of existing weapons in the aviation forces and their supply with new equipment. At the same time, much of what is being received now was tested in Syria, and then it was being finalized. And this is very important, because the supplied weapons have already been successfully tested in combat conditions. I am sure that soon everyone will see the combat use of these new missiles in Syria "- said Boris Rozhin.

How objective this information is, so far remains unknown, however, it has indeed become known before about the newest Russian cruise missiles, the characteristics of which were never disclosed due to the secrecy of this new weapon, which is supposed to be available to the fifth-generation Russian fighter Su -57, however, due to the lack of official comments, any details remain unavailable.

the success of the use of secret missiles in Syria and their effectiveness would have been visible in the defeat of world terrorists in Idlib, which is not happening, so a simple conclusion is made — there are no secret missiles, since their effectiveness has not been established.

You ask the pilots who fought in Afghanistan, the "Vietnamese" and the "Koreans", maybe you will still find someone alive, and our current ones, what they are fighting for, what they are dying for and from what. Name at least one combat (!) Loss. The Turks have shot in the ass, so now brothers and trading partners. At least sometimes the Syrians fire at the Israelis, but ours are like in a shooting range.

and try - you will

and you try.

Greetings dear. This is Vietnam, Korea, Afghanistan, only in a new format and performance.

Drank, added another time,
Then Piligrim opened our eyes.
And on a horrible story,
About Moscow and about Paris,
Like our physicists ...

When throughout the entire Syrian campaign we are constantly told about testing the latest technology, practicing combat techniques of aviation, in "combat" conditions, we always want to ask - how do these "combat" conditions differ from the proving grounds in Russia? Combat conditions in Syria are only for ground forces with a real enemy. For the Aerospace Forces, this is the same training ground, only with real destruction and casualties, and hundreds of times more expensive. No enemies in the air, no electronic warfare, no MANPADS, no air defense, nothing. The same applies to missiles. The main thing is not to miss and report. This is not Vietnam, not Korea, not Afghanistan.

