

Ukrainian An-178 be named in honor of Stepan Bandera

Ukrainians offer to transport aircraft An-178 «patriotic name."

According to the information announced in the local media, the majority of the population of Ukraine supports the call transport aircraft An-178 «Bandera». Despite the fact that the competition for the best name for a Ukrainian transport aircraft AN-178 continues, experts suggest that the choice will be made in favor of Stepan Bandera, although it is possible that, ultimately, the management of the Ukrainian state enterprise may accept and own decision .

According to news agency, the final result of the competition will be held catechumens before the end of the year, and to date, has taken part in the vote over 170 thousand.

Not too much, Ukrainians have to patriotikoy, I mean AN-178-Bandera, such as not even modestly and even obsessive. Thinking citizens are advised to go to the doctor.

