Orenburg Airlines


Orenburzhye Airlines opens regular flights between Kirov and Kazan

Airline "Orenburg»Will start to carry out flights from Kirov to Kazan with 2 February.

Regular flights will be operated by the airline "Orenburg" on 17-local aircraft of Czech production L-410, daily. The duration of the flight from Kirov to Kazan will be about one and a half hours, and the cost of tickets will fluctuate from 2585 rubles to 2985 rubles.

New regular flights must ensure the most efficient air transportation in regional areas, and do not exclude also the probability that in the near future, the airline "Orenburg" to open additional routes to other cities of the Russian Federation.

From Kirov to Peter, pozhaaaaluysta! Sob ((If less ruslaynovskih six thousand and more often than twice a week, it will fly, honest pioneer!

