
ISW: The Armed Forces of Ukraine are working on a plan to storm the Kinburn Peninsula.

The Armed Forces of Ukraine are planning to storm the Kinburn Peninsula and are looking for vulnerabilities.

According to ISW, the Ukrainian military is currently planning a military operation to storm the Kinburn Peninsula. We are talking not only about the Kinburn Spit, but also about the peninsula, since this is the easiest way, according to the Institute for the Study of War (ISW), to reach the left bank of the Dnieper.

It is known that Ukrainian troops have already made attempts to land troops on the Kinburn Spit, however, they ended in failure. However, the risk that the Ukrainian army could launch a large-scale attack on the entire peninsula is very high, as according to foreign satellites, this area is more vulnerable.

“A number of Russian fortifications on and around the Kinburn Spit indicate that Russian forces do not expect to maintain positions on the Spit itself if Ukrainian forces launch a counterattack on the Spit; Russian forces most likely expect Ukrainian forces to occupy the Kinburn Spit, but intend to prevent them from advancing to the mainland of the Kherson region and defending themselves from an amphibious attack on the territory immediately surrounding the junction of the spit with the mainland of the Kherson region", according to the Institute for the Study of War.

In turn, experts note that if the Armed Forces of Ukraine really manage to reach the left bank of the Dnieper, then it will be almost impossible to gain a foothold on the Kinburn Peninsula, because of the terrain and without cover, the Ukrainian army will not be able to achieve any success.




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