Coronavirus in Russia


In Russia, 23 times more people were infected with coronavirus per day than in Sweden that did not enter quarantine

In Russia, 8946 people were infected with coronavirus per day, which is 23 times more than in Sweden.

Despite the marked decline in coronavirus in Russia, the situation remains very serious, as evidenced by statistics published by the operational headquarters. According to official data, over the past 8946 hours 23 people were infected with coronavirus in Russia, which is 19 times more than in Sweden, which refused to introduce any quarantine measures, while the daily mortality from COVID-XNUMX in Russia is three times higher than in this Scandinavian country.

“Over the past day in Russia, 8946 new cases of coronavirus were detected in 83 regions. Of these, 43,7% did not have clinical manifestations of the disease. 92 deaths were recorded. 5499 people recovered completely in 353 hours in Russia. In total, 427 cases of coronavirus in 85 regions have been detected in Russia today. Over the entire period 3633 deaths were recorded, 118 798 people recovered ”, the Moscow operations headquarters said on the situation with the coronavirus.

According to statistics presented by Stockholm, over the last day in Sweden 384 new cases of coronavirus and 31 deaths were recorded, which, with the current ratio of indicators, suggests that Russia will overtake Sweden in terms of the overall mortality rate in a few days.

Analyzing what is happening, it seems to me that if you get a little virus, then the immune system copes, if a lot with prolonged communication, then no.

is it a recession? By the way, they write that mortality has increased. The Ministry of Health is lying?

According to Yandex statistics, as of May 26, Sweden had 341,6 cases per 100 thousand people who died, 40,7 per 100 thousand. In Russia, 240,6 per 100 thousand people were ill, 2,5 per 100 thousand died. Statistics is a complex science, it needs to be taught.

Well, that’s understandable. In Sweden, there are fewer people and almost everyone who could have been re-infected, and some died infected.

In the Karachay-Cherkasy republic, they get sick with whole streets, everyone is diagnosed with bilateral pneumonia. This has never happened! People were left alone, face to face with the disease.

In Russia, they did not find infected, but people who found antibodies to infection. Of these, 60% do not have symptoms of the disease. In Sweden, this level of diagnosis is not close. This is a 3rd world country. Somalia also has no identified infections, for the same reason.

Compare the number of people in Russia 147 million and Sweden 10 million. You have strange statistics!

Did you learn to calculate percentages at school? Or do you only know how to operate with absolute numbers?

And these are absolute indicators. If we consider the relative for an adequate comparison, then in Sweden and the people are many times less than in Russia. Their results are worse at times.
Well, I will not tire of repeating that the time lag between infection and confirmation of the diagnosis is 36-42 days in Russia. This is the incubation period plus time for 2 official analyzes. So about who really got infected yesterday, we learn in June, towards the end closer.

So they do not conduct tests, maybe there are 100% of patients. And in terms of population we are 23 times more

Well, these are bullshit. The population of Sweden is 14 times less than Russia, which means 23/14 = 1,6 times. Liars.

Do authors generally look at statistics results? Or the main thing is to scare people?

353.688 - infected
3.639 - deceased
118.834 - recovered
1.03% - death rate
33.843 - infected
4.029 - deceased
4.971 - recovered
11.91% - death rate
Do not be a yellow press

