Bomber B-52


UK: Nuclear strike on Russia is only a matter of time

The UK made a sensational statement.

Experts from the UK in an interview with the "Express" newspaper said that a nuclear strike on Russia is inevitable and is only a matter of time.

"Despite the supposed opinion that Russia and the United States have relatively good political relations, in reality, the conflict between the two superpowers is much more serious than during the time of the Caribbean crisis. The likelihood that the situation will be discharged is extremely low, and therefore it is logical to state that the whole world is on the verge of nuclear war ", - the newspaper reports.

Earlier, the United States of America made an unambiguous statement that will be ready to launch a nuclear strike on Russia if this country uses its Il-22PP "Porubshchik" aircraft against American space satellites and devices, capable of realizing such tasks.

Independent analysts have called the article of the British edition provocative, because to date relations between Russia and the United States are more like an arms race than any military confrontation.

"Great Britain once again escalates the situation, trying to expose Russia as an aggressor, and without offering any options for discussion. This is how Russia becomes an enemy in the eyes of the West. In fact, Russia is not an aggressively-minded country, as Western media present, trying to mislead ordinary citizens, especially to use nuclear weapons against anyone, unnecessarily ", - said the analyst

All this again so that we invest in our bloated military-industrial complex!

and you were personally there

Russia needs to make an official statement that with any military attack from any territory in Russia, Russia will adequately respond not only to the aggressor, but also a massive nuclear strike across Britain and Switzerland. Notify everyone of this. And the foreign policy situation will immediately move to peaceful tracks.

It is necessary for Russia to make an official statement that under any military attack from any territory on Russia, Russia will adequately respond not only to the aggressor, but also by a massive nuclear strike throughout the island of Britain. And the foreign policy environment will slowly and confidently move to peaceful tracks.

Anglo-Saxons you stupid! You will be the first to end!

Someone had previously departed to another world. Truman? Roosevelt?

You need to react accordingly. Over the past 100 years, Britain has turned from a formidable power into a political intriguer. "A man said - a man did" is not a slogan for a modern Briton.

article zakazuha mines obory british for pumping budgets .... what is the reason to ignite a nuclear war with unpredictable consequences if these fools chase their resources over the hill for funky and then themselves, these same candy wrappers are given for "storage" for the same hill ?? ? where else can you find such fools .... and they can also raise the retirement age and raise taxes, and say that it is for their own good - and everything is rolling !!!!

Another crisis in the Western world is close to resolution. As you know, crises of this kind can be resolved in two ways: either, as history has shown by war, or Western elites need to admit that their unipolar world has already lost its global influence. Therefore, it is easy to understand the reasons for Russophobia: Western elites need to fool their people to support them in the war against Russia. This explains the "intransigence" of the Westerners regarding any initiatives of Russia. But the question is: who will survive the war !?

After such statements of London, our need to give them an ultimatum: do not return the billions plundered after the collapse of the Soviet Union and exported to England - we will apply a preventive nuclear strike. Can then understand begin

To whom, and lousy about the bath ...
The British, while still after the Second World War, Roosevelt suggested to Truman to inflict a devastating nuclear strike on the USSR, apparently our "allies" have not yet abandoned these plans ...

Let's pack. And in reality, at least from your couch, get off for the sake of the ig ohmoy mama dishes:)))

God, 90 percent read laughter :), but where is the proof of this delirium? As scalded sofa experts write about 95 90, 99 percent, but not one damage is not. Only the child and that limited one will believe this dregs. Therefore, you can not try, although if you yourself believe in it, it's already a diagnosis. Only compulsory treatment.

Britons, you're wrong. The question of time is how much time and patience Russia has for you, unfinished morons and pendosomes-nits, endure.))

what kind of citizens are you naive, well, who beats on their resource colony? Who does not vkurse 90% of the industry of Russia in offshore

Who will remain ...?)
Will get to all, and the rest will be unsuitable ...

By the way, on American TV and rallies in the US do not show, and there they are more than we have ...)))

Michael you are not right .. will not be populated, and already behind the ural the Chinese are in power !! our friends and no one in the country will say how many of them. What they are doing.

you misunderstand. The blow to the western part of our country (Moscow) will take away I think under 60% of the population. and no one will beat Siberia, they will be resettled there. they also understand that the island will go under the water. that the Yellowstone reserve, too, is about to explode .. it will be cleared from the left, and the center will be left to itself.

Read St. Nicholas of Serbia the book "War and the Bible" and many questions for you will be removed by this book.

Red. The warrior will and she will not be at the admonition of the people, but to exterminate the people who are stuck in sin, irrevocably.
Read the book of St. Nicholas of Serbia "War and the Bible" everything is simply and clearly shown in what the origins of war are, what leads to victory in war, and what to defeat, and finally, who will win the future war.

an island will sink to the bottom before the conflict is over. and then, maybe, the US and Russia will reconcile, except that the island will not be anyway ...

In the UK, along with MAY-live sick people !!! they, WHAT do not understand that the world will be END, or MAY is really bad with the HEAD !!!!

In Siberia, two people per square kilometer .. how many missiles do you need to burn out all you need? Retaliation will be instant. The enemy is likely to know about this. And of course, Russian air defense, tracking stations, satellite grouping. Not for nothing did the GDP issue an order to the defense industry to be ready to cross over to the production of military time. These signals, just do not serve. This is all together, it costs huge money. And it's not Hollywood anymore.

Yes, do not be afraid of the guys, no war will be, no fools perish in a nuclear flame. This is especially fueling the situation. so that the people forget and swallow all the good things that create the papin and the company. Have you seen or heard of rallies in Russia? I like never

hmm .... if Amerikozov disconnects means EUROPOLDOSOV too, all communication and electronics pohoryat nothing will fly and do not float orders Toko voice Th they will swim on a canoe missile to deliver Che with fear start to threaten in holy fools

A little dog always barks but does not bite

You think badly, forgetting where the American missiles are and where they will fly and what the flying time is, to Russia, let's say it's from Poland or even closer if 2 the duelist are in 100 meters from each other, but one of the duelists will be helped by another duelist, standing in 10 meters from the enemy, the result is to predict who will not win!

I would not say so

In your world order Peter there are no us Russians. Are we under the knife? Who else? For what? But what about the "teardrop"? Maybe it's worth remembering the popular wisdom that a bad world is better than a good quarrel? We Russians know what a WAR is!

And the Britons and Scots will walk in deer skins, hunt wild cats and dogs. And neither Teresa May nor Trump will need them. In the primitive system, leaders become different in qualities. And that's all after the dust settles from the nuclear winter.

Quite agree, bravo.

Do you add O here and it turned out you're a fool

As my grandfather told me "Don't touch Russia, and we won't touch you"

At amers the weapon is garbage. it is beautiful, but for real fighting is not intended.

Only to live in a beautiful future will not have us.

It is not difficult to calculate how many bombs it takes,
for Great Britain

in the war, the economy wins.
and the quantity goes into quality

Russia. Write with a capital letter.

DO NOT LIE!!! You know a lot about the Second World War from the Sumerian textbooks. Grandfather is yours! All in all at the beginning of the war there was enough material. And here is the local recruiting contingent: in Ukraine, full shit, its Germans to Rostov went through the drill step and with the songs and statistics of the prisoners, Ukrania gave, and where the German lands went to the Russian lands, there was death and horror for him everywhere. At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War armor of the German tank - armor with a stretch could be called. What are you all the same moron and your grandfather - politsaia cattle.

Grandfather in Tashkent all the war fought?

You forgot to mention Israel and Canada, those still creatures are especially the first. Note that it is not a human rights defender, you are a liar, but this island has long been occupied by Zhidoviat, so that we will cleanse the fans of separating and ruling. What leads the rule of the Jews can be seen in ukraine

242 495 km²
United KingdomPlaces
2 561 km²
Moscow is the largest city and the first target for the strike, but it still needs to be hit, there is little sense in the rest of Russia (except for other major cities with millions). And even if the bombs fall and there are many victims, we have proven in our centuries-long history that we can survive and the territory will remain many and even quite suitable. And what about the British Isles? you can lupanut without looking at any place and the likelihood of a complete genocide is very high. They will either be washed away by a huge tsunami or by a fault in the plume and the island becomes a new Atlantis, and the territory will be completely contaminated. And if the atomics fall on the European part of Russia, then the half of Europe will cover up the boomerang, the question whether Eastern Europe wants to become a victim of Anglosak insanity.

I fully support the opinion of Zheka

There is one more goal - to earn money. Capitalism, after all, from the word capital. :) The United States always makes money on everything at every opportunity. During the Iran-Iraq war, weapons were sold to both sides. Even the slogan "Soviet threat" was invented only to raise hundreds of billions of dollars in US arms manufacturers.

After the word Russia is heard the clatter of running islanders.
Just life on the island turned their brain into a fog

Well, yes, most likely it will. Russia will get lyuley. Yes, she already now receives them, only not from the West, but from their own rulers. But as always, in the end, the final lull will receive the west. Only this time you do not need to regret them, as the French felt sorry for 1812, the Germans in 1945. It will be necessary to destroy them under the root, so that they do not bark again through 70. And then what happens? The Germans burned our villages in dozens, and we are accused of what a soldier fucked a German woman. And who blames? The Americans, who bombed Dresden with 100 000 victims to the ground, blame the other cities of Germany, threw off 2 atomic bombs. And now they say what bad Russian soldiers are. Nemok fucked, you know! This time, so be it, we will not fuck. Let's see what is better. At the same time and our traitors to the answer call.

Rinse off to the full! It is a pity that you will not have time to see.

It looks like the British lion has been crushed. It has degenerated into an under-fence mongrel, barking for some reason or no reason. And then it starts to jackal slowly. Tries to play off Russia and America. He teases like little kids: “And you won't fight! And you won't fight.” Stupid, stupid old, shabby, stupid lion. He completely lost his mind, does not understand that if the Lord does not bring, something will begin, from Britain not that dust, not even the name will remain. And they will be the first to make sure that the "Dagger", etc. not fiction, not fiction at all.

I do not understand, they are tired of living? Or they just decided to pull it, the more provocateurs are not capable of that!

I do not understand, they are tired of living? Or they just decided to pull it, the more provocateurs are not capable of that!

I do not understand, they are tired of living? Or they just decided to pull it, the more provocateurs are not capable of that!

see how Russia could not get the most lyuley before the war with the German too boasted that there was everything and they were trained in tactics to attack but in fact it turned out that the planes were obsolete tanks just cans and guns could not penetrate the armor of German tanks and in general my grandfather told that the people were in the war a lot of weapons were not enough, many in general were not armed this all in the very first days of the war, and now if they attack then everyone knows about the Russian rockets and their weapons, many russia have propaganda about invincible weapons but the Americans have weapons Its much better and more technologically now it turns out that Russia's hypersound is another bluff and the one who supplied this information to the West is now a traitor

In such a logic, the existence of the UK is a matter of time.

I considered that we would need fewer nuclear weapons to destroy both Europe and the US than they do for us. Given the size of the country and the population density, only Russia will have chances to survive ...

Remember the history of Russia; since the time of Ivan the Terrible. The historian of all times and peoples Yevgeny Spitsyn will explain everything to you; England has always been an enemy for Russia and will never become a friend. They poisoned the Russian tsar and since then have made thousands of attempts to destroy Russia in a variety of ways, to one of us all. Maxim Gorky wrote: "If the enemy does not surrender, his ...

Brit is the Panties whom I had not seen before. Fans in the center were walking around looking around modestly but bullying? It was worth one lost as he had all the hops out, a hundred looking around with a question south, this is a southern Leninsky hotel, I explained to him. I 63 I'm in Afghanistan on self-diving shol. And these scare hedgehog bare ,, ,, cactus ,,

Degraded in general with Europe and the USA.

And this will be the end of the Anglo-Saxon world, and Russia will still remain.

the bulk of comments, shows at what level people are and what they think ...

Yes ... for a long time they have not received luli ... this time not "FAU" will fly to them ...

Maybe Russia needs to conduct a preemptive nuclear strike, and not wait until the idiots from Britain do it.

No one will hit. This is propaganda that flows not a single century. The goal is not to give even for a second a Western citizen to even think about what Russia may still not be so bad? Otherwise, everyone will start traveling to us, trading with us, building with us, and this is worse for them than nuclear war. This is the very isolation that in the past times produced results, and led to a split of the elites, and then to a revolution or restructuring. It is not surprising that once it turned out that now and now they believe that everything will be the same. The Olympiads and the World Cup are held here, they demolish this artificial matrix, which is why they are psycho because of this.

Behind him, nothing will be needed. The President of the United States will call and say, Yes, hey is with her with Britain. We then what quarrel. :))

Do not forget the expression "Englishwoman crap!" The USA with its aircraft carriers is a club in the hands of the Anglo-Saxons.

The least that anyone should engage in provocations, so it's the British. One status-6 from the Atlantic, the second from the Channel .. and from Britain, there will not even be memories left. At the same time, Russia and the US have chances to survive at the expense of large territories. For every city in Russia there is not enough nuclear stock.

In this case, Russia must make this strike first and precisely in the UK! And then we'll hijack the US!

A small underwater thermonuclear explosion - and prim and pompous will emerge somewhere in the Pacific Ocean ...

The islanders are insane. For a long time on a muzzle did not receive.

Countries such as Britain are ordinary irrepressible provocateurs. It should not be forgotten that London is on the island and is very vulnerable. To sit out it will not be possible, not those times ....

TS, the information is not specific ... It is necessary to name all the "heroes" by name, since among the British, most of the people are quite decent and adequate, there are, of course, unscrupulous PR people who are ready to go on the urgency of the Russian Federation, mowing under Teresa with a "newbie" (surviving out of her mind from old age and having watched enough English spy films about the "newbie"), but still distracted Europe from the problems with Brexit ... So normal people from the English elite then have to answer for their words in front of the overwhelming majority of respectable Englishmen (Tony Blair, Boris Johnson ) and resign from shame. But you can answer for such statements before an international tribunal! TS! Names in the studio!

What is good for England? Well, the United States will deliver a nuclear attack on Russia, even if not only in the largest cities, but in all, even if we have nothing to defend ourselves, there is something to protect ourselves with and everything can reach nothing, but even if .... there remains a plain ... Europe was covered by 1000 radiation with Chernobyl at the same time from us, radioactive rain poured on the British, after a couple of weeks or a month the ice breaks up so-so under which no satellite was seen by a Russian nuclear strategic missile carrier suddenly at the North Pole, whose commander The act of nuclear war to act independently and gives a volley of more 20 intercontinental ballistic missiles with a variable trajectory along the course of a Mace from the North Pole that turn the United States into the plain and England into the sea and we have plenty of such boats on alert duty constantly somewhere in the ocean on depths to depths of 50 meters and given the thickness of the hull no radiation can reach the boat, that is, speaking of a strike on Russia, you need to understand that retaliation will be inevitable and will come back to all

England, England fog covered, England England - fog shrouded! England England - brains are clouded!,)))

Do you know how to read? they write that the pendos with us swelled and the pendoses on us will strike

England must remember that if Russia strikes a nuclear strike against her, their islet will disappear altogether from the map of the world

Let them think that missiles that do not reach the USA will fall along the way - just on the island of their inflated arrogance. :)))

What a maniacal desire to sow everything? Russia and so on in the leaders in the sale of grain in the world, overproduction threatens to reduce profits, and even losses. Who needs it? We have already passed it is enough. In Soviet times everything was sown, but we bought grain. Now the fields are overgrown with grass but the grain in the country is abundant and we are selling it.

You're a ram

This is a direct declaration of war by the government of England towards Russia. The first thing that is required by Russia on such a statement is to start urgently removing Russian citizens from the territory of England. The second is not required, because Anglo Saxons will be piled up in their pants and heavily fouled in front of the whole world ...

but before this disappears islet one in Europe ..

Begin with yourself, how many Ha have you sown?

Read carefully the Gospel of John, the apocalypse. And do not talk nonsense!

70 times

To be precise 70 English

Outside the window is the end of summer, and the fields have not yet been sown. But for that, with foam at the corners of the mouth, we continue to discuss another "horror story." won...

Boris, you're revealing our plan early.

Yes, now enough for one

Are English politicians so stupid? By no means, everyone needs to jump out, get fame. And the word is not a sparrow, so there comes a period when after this it is necessary to quietly leave the political arena, Boris Johnson to that EXAMPLE.

they are tired of living?

Margaret Thatcher spoke the match
"We will teach Russian men a lesson"
At this time, fell to the Thames Tower Bridge
Under the fire of missile cruisers.
The tablecloth, the tablecloth of the Chlorians, is spreading
And climbs under the gas mask.
Everyone, everyone in the best is believed
Somewhere, a nuclear bomb explodes.

They themselves believe in this nonsense, or consider themselves immortal.

All nonhumans will disappear from the Earth in the near future, as the New Permanent Zloty the Century, the Age of Faith, is coming, and all countries, having passed through internal and external conflicts, will understand that it is necessary to live in peace as the Divine Rulers become rulers, according to God's Will and according to God's Will Divine Plan, not human. Read the books of Alice Bailey and Guy Ballard and know what awaits us in the near future. Great Saints = Ascended Masters, led by the Mighty Son of Alpha and Omega - the Archangel Melchizedek and Mother Mary, the King and Queen of the Earth will no longer allow evil to be created on Earth. Mighty Violet Seventh Ray all the negative will be transmuted into the positive, replaced by the Holy Divine Will, Wisdom and Love, the qualities of God the Father and Mother !!! With respect and love Boris.

One tablet is enough.

In the event of a nuclear strike on Russia, navigation in the Atlantic will become easier, due to the absence of Great Britain as such. They need to be more careful with their desires))

Only for such threats against RUSSIA and the peaceful people living in it, I think for the first time for such a revelation it is necessary to put a tough note of protest against the threats. officially, and warn if, even in the address of RUSSIA will be such statements. we have the right to translate the British dream into a nuclear attack, but then RUSSIA will not be stopped by anyone, everything will be filled with the old objects of the army, especially the elderly women and children, BRITISH - you want it, tell us officially we do not want, or we want The time for jokes is over, Or you're hoping for the crocheted cowboys. And for them, there is a pill, so I do not need much attention and order!

In the context of a nuclear strike across Russia, the very existence of Britain (and its population) is only a matter of time. :-)

especially against our 1500 on duty and 5-6 more tactical in the warehouse in the form of bombs, mines, shells, torpedoes

after such statements, the cursed island nebbia to leave afloat

years ago 40 I served in rvsn. three of our missiles and no small-pieces. something like that

There is such a thing - unacceptable damage. that's it, he will not allow to start the third world. None of the possible parties to the conflict has such a guarantee, and no one needs a Pyrrhic victory.

From its hatred of Russia and the desire to commit another meanness, Britain has lost touch with reality. Russia is not an aggressor, but will necessarily respond to aggression. What will remain of the UK?

This timer they will launch against their lives

The United States can do nothing with North Korea and Iran, only to bluff and remain.

Address only leave. In a couple of years we'll see that you are where you are. Can take a taxi driver. If you're lucky . The moron.

The remnants of common sense were taken by Western media. Do they want to kill themselves and their children? To yourself - make hara-kiri, well, and your children, why should they die?

How much patience does Russia have! She is humiliated as they want - it reminds me of dogs barking a pack of bears. Hold on my mother Russia.

Britons are exactly stoned to give such a thing, but it's not so simple that they began to smoke))

The generation of politicians who understood what War is, the current ones believe that they will play and continue to live as well as now!

About the torn to the British flag some thing oatsmen should remember, tudy-syudym ...

It cannot be attributed to the fact that England is escalating the situation. Stalin in 1941 also said "provocation" when he was warned.

I knew for a long time that the Britons are not friendly with their heads, but to such an extent, I did not expect ...

the British have forgotten the British film "NITI"

Neymetsya assholes, they dream to destroy the planet. Or think that Russia will not respond? He will respond and will not seem a bit like none of the tobacco yapping at Russia. Only the result will be deplorable for everyone. But the hatred of some people melted the brain. Old shops with one foot in eternity and want to draw into non-existence and the rest of the world. And young people do not think about life in a crazy world, thirsting for blood and death.

A single salvo of the Borei type AP is enough to turn Britain into ashes. And the kutsumu all itching.

The British island is extremely small and it will surely be destroyed in the event of a nuclear war.

It's time to put an end to the existence of Britain.

The British have once again shown their true face, or, more precisely, the MAJOR of the intriguer. Play the "war card" themselves
with Russia a thinish gut and weakness in the knees, so they
in every way push the United States to this. But Her Majesty's subjects are deeply mistaken. They do not take into account the fact that Trump is not a warrior. He, in the first, second and third turns, first of all, a businessman. And businessmen are more impressed
to re-compete economically. This is for them a real
buzz. It was possible to talk about nuclear strikes against Russia with any of the American presidents, but not with Roosevelt and Trump (one is a smart and subtle politician, the other is a huckster). So, gentlemen "Albion", "roll your lip" back. Trump is far from being an idiot and not a match for you. He would rather send some kind of
England or Upper Volta, than he will get involved in the war.

Who lives in a glass house, well, further on
you know.

1. The beauty of advanced EW systems is that it is almost impossible to prove and maintain that the object was attacked by the EW system. And with respect to the satellite and even more ...
2. Well, as for a nuclear strike, before making such statements, the gentlemen from Great Britain, first of all, need to think about the fact that in which case it is highly likely that their island could "heroically" evaporate from the face of the earth ...

Come on, man, run. Only there is a nuance - in Europe, almost everywhere VAT 19-20% and above, and retirement age about 65-67 years. Plus, everything, you probably do not need anyone, because if you were needed, you should have left for a long time :)
And the Britons do not think at all that the blow to Russia will be followed by an answer, and as a result, as the saying goes - the whole world is in chicken. And something I strongly doubt that they will stay there on their island.

amusing you! in Europe the same thing has happened for a long time. hello from estonia

In Europe, personal income tax from 20 to 40%. Pension with 67. The average salary in most countries is from 500 to 800 euros. At the same time, prices are much higher. So gasoline is about 2 euros. A wonderful future awaits you.

a couple of hundred British warheads mean something ...

To ALL England .... two volleys of the PLARB. And there is no more england .... We have at least territory as 50 English.

Anglo-Saxons are sent at all points of the globe. They are trying to silence this, hence all this hysteria. Although there are enough pairs of nuclear missiles and there are not more of them. So they suck they

-Letter tour over the Channel ... look at the right is Europe, look at the left ocean, and when it was England ..

What are you waiting for? Wali, just try not to return, and then already got it, at first the country is barked, and then we are asked for help by an example of all sorts of morons such as the war, the perforationists are cashing in and now they are asking for back

Quickly get, this is g ... but in Russia you do not need

Paranoia, hysterics, intrigue, like an old woman in the entrance, I swear, how they got ... !!!

Let's pack, where the pension with 70, and VAT 30%

Rats run away before everyone ... Wali, believe me about such a dare. No one even remembers ...

It is necessary to get citizenship of another country faster, while visa centers still work, NDS 20%, pension up to 65, there is nothing to catch - baggage bags

The British power has gone insane and, practically nothing representing militarily, fuels hysteria in the world community, attacking Russia, which militarily has an order of magnitude stronger than the English

It is necessary to translate into reality the dream of the Saxons shaved, whether they need much.



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