Mike Pompeo


Pompeo hinted Belarus to break off relations with Russia

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced Russia's loss of Belarus.

The US Secretary of State, during his speech to reporters, unexpectedly hinted at the fact that Russian policy creates a lot of problems for Moscow itself. According to Mike Pompeo, it is precisely thanks to the actions of Russia that the contention in relations with this country has already begun in Belarus, which, obviously, Russia will soon lose.

“Intervention in the elections by Russia is a problem not only for the USA. Russia sows disagreements and distrust among citizens of the USA and other countries from Belarus to Zimbabwe ”- said Pompeo.

It is noteworthy that Minsk obviously supports the statement of the US Secretary of State, since relatively recently, the President of Belarus did not rule out the transition to closer relations with Europe, including the matter of holding joint exercises of the Belarusian military with NATO countries, closing Russian military bases on the territory of Belarus, etc.

It should be clarified that for Washington, the breakdown of relations between Moscow and Minsk is very priority, however, Belarus notes that further cooperation with Russia will be based on the political aspects adopted by Moscow

Greed does not bring good

