US Air Force


ISIS terrorists defeated Western coalition in Syria

For a month and a half the terrorists occupied a larger plane than before the special operation.

On May 1, 2018, an American special operation began to destroy the remnants of the militants of the Islamic State group (ISIS, a terrorist group, whose activities are officially banned in Russia - ed.), But in 1,5 months of its conduct, the American military, actively supported the Western coalition failed to achieve any significant results; rather, on the contrary, the part of the territory of Syria controlled by ISIS has only increased.

Territory under the control of "IGIL" 01.05.2018 (left) and 21.06.2018 (right)

This is evidenced by the information schedule, which perfectly shows that the areas under the control of the terrorists of the Islamic State group have not decreased, but only increased in their area, which casts doubt on the effectiveness of the US air force's presence in this country, although the US media regularly report on the destruction of large militia groups and successes on several fronts.

Independent analysts earlier highly appreciated the help of Russian ICS in Syria, noting that during a relatively short period of presence in Syria, the terrorists of "IGIL" suffered huge losses, and it is likely that with the withdrawal of the western coalition from this Arab republic, it would be possible to achieve victory over terrorists in for only two years.

Earlier, the United States said that the withdrawal of the US military contingent from Syria will be carried out only after the complete victory over the militants "IGIL", which, with current trends, can drag on for many years.

Camel, you are in Africa, a camel. You can earn only hemorrhoids in Hohlyandi. What kind of shit are you out there that the whole world spits in your direction?

You are with miners 4 year, and it's still there.

The CAA with the support of the military security services, mercenaries and specialists from the Russian Federation was exempted from the release.
And bast shoes, you have it there, soon they will not be either. already go barefoot

I can buy half a ton of gasoline for my pension. How much camel thorns do you buy for retirement in the dill

And this is not surprising. It's always been like that, since the beginning of the war in Syria. As the US struggled with igil, the territory of the igils only grew until our people started bombing them.

and at thee sickly how much is benzo? Pension at the same time in 50?

Ahaha, did Rasha liberate a lot? Three years there, a cart and now stands? Hurray, this is a victory - the gas for 50, bast shoes, moonshine and pensions

The US is the sponsor of terrorism !!! They must be pummeled - into rubbish and deal with the end!



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