Gliding bomb


The Russian military in Syria managed to capture the Israeli secret planning bombs SPICE 1000

Russian electronic warfare systems once again distinguished themselves in Syria by shooting down an Israeli planning SPICE 1000 bomb.

According to Syrian and Asian news agencies, during the last two raids by Israeli military aircraft on the positions of the Syrian military, Russia has used its powerful electronic countermeasures. As a result, they successfully managed to shoot down Israeli planing bombs SPICE 1000. The ammunition did not receive critical damage, which allows them to be examined in detail.

“On July 22, a group of five F-16I fighters from the Israeli Air Force launched an air strike on Homs. Weapons in this strike included rockets and several heavy SPICE 1000 gliding bombs. Meanwhile, while the exact number of SPICE 1000 bombs used by Israel in this airstrike is unknown, at least 2 SPICE 1000 bombs were intercepted by Syrian means. “We successfully intercepted two Israeli glider bombs as they flew from the Lebanese side into Syrian airspace,” the Syrian military said in a statement. Along with the above statement, the Syrian air defense also published a photo of the wreckage of these ammunition as evidence ", - reports the publication "DatViet"

This is not the first time that it was possible to intercept Israeli planning SPICE 1000 bombs. Apparently, as before, Russian electronic warfare systems were successfully used for this, which simply turned off the ammunition control systems.

And intercepted - with a butterfly net.

