

Su-57 can again be sent to Syria in a few weeks

Russian serial Su-57 can be sent to Syria in early spring.

After the first serial fighter of the fifth generation Su-57 appeared in service with the Russian Aerospace Forces, it became known that this combat aircraft is planned to be sent to Syria to complete another series of tests. What kind of tests we are talking about is unknown, however. Apparently, the fighter of the Russian Aerospace Forces will have to demonstrate its fighting qualities in areas captured by jihadists.

It is reported that the first and only serial fighter of the Russian Aerospace Forces, the Su-57, may go to Syria in a few weeks. The combat aircraft is likely to be used to strike at ground targets, however, solely to confirm its combat qualities and check technical characteristics.

There is still no official confirmation of the information that has appeared, however, it was previously reported that in 2021 the tests of the Su-57 fighters will continue, in particular, it was planned to test the internal fuselage compartments with weapons, which allows the combat aircraft not only to hide its presence due to the lower radar signature , but also hide weapons from a potential enemy.

What is it in Syria that you need to send the only serial aircraft there for testing? Are there few polygons in our country? Fake news.



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