Russian Maritime Aviation


USA: Russia buried naval aviation

In the United States, it is believed that Russian naval aviation has already died.

US analysts say that because Russia's only heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser Admiral Kuznetsov was sent for repairs and upgrades, Russia may lose experienced pilots, because in fact, they will not be able to practice take-off and landing procedures, and to 2021 this can seriously affect the defense capability of Russia.

Specialists pay attention to the fact that during their last trip, the Russian heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser Admiral Kuznetsov lost two fighters at once, which most likely indicates already existing problems, but after another three years, the professionalism of the pilots of the naval aviation can and at all to reach a critical level.

"Russian naval aviation is gradually degrading. Lack of experience and training of pilots' professional skills will lead to the fact that Russia will simply destroy its naval aviation, which, incidentally, is the fault of Russia itself ", - the American expert stated.

On the other hand, analysts believe that Russia can begin joint exercises with China, as several aircraft carriers are currently in service with the PRC, especially since Russia is an important strategic partner of this country.

Russia has quite a small number of pilots for naval aviation, and this seriously affects Russia's military potential, especially since it will take quite a while before the advent of the Russian aircraft carrier - its appearance is scheduled only for 2030-2035 year.


And why do pilots if there are no aircraft carriers. And do they need these troughs?

I'll tell you more - it's full of F *** We have only 15 pilots, and in three years, they will be 10 (I'm talking about professionals). We just sit in the anus ...



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