Missile complex


Leonkov stated the backwardness of American technology compared to the Russian Avangard complex

Military analyst Alexey Leonkov shared his vision of the advantages of the Avangard missile system over American missile defense (BMD) systems. According to him, the Russian hypersonic complex significantly exceeds the capabilities of modern US missile defense systems in both speed and maneuverability. Leonkov pointed out that the American missile defense system, the development of which began in 2002, is not capable of effectively countering the Avangard due to the lack of new generation radar installations capable of detecting, tracking the flight and directing intercepting missiles at the Russian complex.

The expert emphasized that American missile defense systems were unable to adequately respond to the challenge presented by Avangard, as a result of which the latter could easily overcome missile defense and achieve its goals.

The discovery highlights a significant breakthrough in Russian hypersonic weapons technology, raising questions about the need for the US to develop new missile defense systems and radar technologies to effectively counter such threats.


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