ARC Dagger


ARC "Dagger" may leave the United States without a fleet

The Dagger missile system endangers the existence of the US Navy.

The appearance in the arsenal of the Russian Federation of the hypersonic air-missile complex "Dagger" provides an opportunity for the destruction of virtually the whole of the US Navy. This is due, first of all, to the fact that none of the existing missile defense systems is capable, not only of destroying a hypersonic missile, but even of fixing its flight, in connection with which, there is a clear threat to the national interests of the United States.

Many foreign experts, including experts from the United States, agree with this opinion, especially since the current carrier aircraft of the Dagger air-missile system is a MiG-31 heavy fighter-interceptor capable of refueling during flight. connection with which the range of the missile is significantly increased. In particular, according to the statement of the Israeli specialist Yakov Kedmi:

“... None of the existing anti-missile weapons systems can do anything with it at all. This puts the entire US Pacific Fleet at great risk. When an aircraft carrier comes with an escort group, it can do practically nothing against the Dagger air-missile system. "



According to some data, today the ARC "Dagger" is already based on the Russian military base "Hmeymim" (Syria), in connection with which the US Department of Defense does not risk launching missile strikes on the territory of the Syrian Arab Republic.  

but you are very smart ... if they could have been in Russia long ago. but they are not here, which means that they are writing amerikosy. ssat bastards on russia rypatsya in the open. Counting to take out of the underworld with the help of such a fagot as you are a freak!

Amers, even North Korea are afraid, and our dagger for them as a sickle in the eggs, now we can safely this way 5 years to do the economy, and they will spend billions of dollars to make their dagger

As long as the US Americans did not feel bad, they need to be dumped, and then they have a lot of big national interests and the Apetite grows uncharted!

The main thing is Ilyukha, that there would be many missiles, and not two or three pieces. The Americos made a lot of them. Before Putin, other leaders ruled the country. A lot of time and money was irretrievably lost. Only now we make up for it

Only a full d # $ # $ or a liberal can think that America has something to answer. Not for nothing did they get so excited!

Probably in Syria are already Daggers, on this camera and are afraid to strike on Syria

Zadolbali you # $ # $ # $ ## Americans, 700 billion budget for defense and all trash piece of metal around the world ... The real battle is clear who the winner is, so that the gentlemen of less than # $ # $ # $! If they are so clever, cool, then why are you afraid of dying and do not step in front? Because Russia has something to answer and wipe out all of North America, so no one does not want to risk it! They are easier to torment sanctions and it is not a success ... Russian spruce suffers now, sooner or later will end, and then patience will see, but for now only waiting for the United States when he finally once again to prevent a large error around Russia ... A dagger acre can pull at the bottom of the ocean the entire US fleet I assure everyone!

In addition to the Dagger, Russia has enough money to leave Amers without a fleet.

I realized that I wrote? At 10 max, there is no difference what direction. At present, even at SM-6, the US air defense can not bring down the missile of the Dagger complex with probability even in 0.2.

Tell me a system capable of knocking down a Dagger with a probability of at least 0.5? Let's read Wikipedia rather quickly or find something else. Just call the US air defense system capable of knocking down this missile.

Pampers replace and piously believe in Americans! They will destroy us with secret hamburgers!

Sergei we have in the Crimea and MIG-31 is not needed There are shore-based missile batteries Ball and ... Already leaving the Bosporus in the Black Sea, NATO ships are being guided by sight A missiles supersonic trajectories change Flight altitude from 5 meters and above Does not take anyway and nobody Range about 500 km and ... more

The dagger is not just a rocket. A missile is an invisible fact. It will fly from the most unexpected side for NATO ships

And what can the mighty UWB counter today?

To listen to you, you want to cry, but if you tell the truth how to explain the fact that Russia could defeat IGIL for 2, and the American coalition could not cope with it and in five years having a budget of 10 times more Russian?

My friend, you at least understood that you wrote. You were at school at least at least learned, but if you studied, the missile flies to where it was launched. And flies with hyper speed. And now try to shoot it.

Well that there are experts like Vlasov, and then how to live with stupid military and analysts.

It is interesting to know if this "smart" expert served in the Army?

ARC "Dagger" can leave the US without a fleet?
Of course. The US is such an asshole that they will soon start giving up bundles! Only a fool can think that the US is unprotected! The United States has a technique to destroy all missiles advertised by Putin! It's bad that our top officials and the top military are so stupid and do not understand this! Listen to stupid military experts!

Mig-31, taking off in the vicinity of Sevastopol, will destroy American destroyers in the Mediterranean or the Red Sea, located at its rate. I do not want to do any transverse movements

Not so simple! Hypersonic is possible only in the direction of movement, and in the transverse direction - the speed is normal! Therefore, a hypersonic missile on a collision course can be intercepted by an ordinary anti-missile ...

